Commonly Used Ingredients In Health Care Products - Hawthorn Extract


Specifications: brown and yellow powder, 80 mesh

Main Functions:

1) Cardiac strengthening: hawthorn can increase myocardial contractility, increase cardiac output and slow down the cardiac rhythm.

(2) Effect on increasing coronary blood flow and myocardial oxygen consumption: hawthorn extract and its total flavonoids can increase coronary blood flow and reduce myocardial oxygen consumption and oxygen utilization rate.

Hawthorn Leaves Extract

(3) Increase of cardiac nutritional blood flow: hawthorn has a certain effect on the increase of cardiac nutritional blood flow, which may be related to the expansion of coronary vascular bed and improvement of coronary circulation.

(4) Protective effect on experimental myocardial ischemia: hawthorn extract can prevent or reduce the myocardial ischemia or necrosis caused by isoproterenol.

Hawthorn Fruits Extract

(5) Antihypertensive effect: hawthorn ethanol extract has a more lasting antihypertensive effect.

(6) Lipid-lowering effect: different extracts of hawthorn have a certain lipid-lowering effect on various high-fat models caused by different animals, which can antagonize the increase of serum cholesterol and triglyceride content caused by high-fat feed.


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